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What We Believe

Members of Moonee Ponds Baptist Church are agreed on these central elements of Christian faith.


Creator of the Universe and everything it contains, who is revealed in Three Persons:  God the Father, God the Son – Jesus Christ – and God the Holy Spirit.

Jesus Christ

Came into our world as a baby and grew to manhood as a perfect blend of divinity and humanity – to reveal God’s nature, grace and truth – and to take on himself all that separates us from God through his death and resurrection. He calls us to follow and to know personally in a relationship that stretches into eternity.

Holy Spirit

Is God’s presence in our world, who draws humanity’s attention to Jesus’ grave and truth, so we may respond to his inner conviction and experience him within us – a whole new life. He activates believers to mature in Christian grace – individually and together. Then we may continue the ministry Jesus began – serving our local and wider world in ways that draw others to Him.

The Bible and its Use

We believe the Bible – Old and New Testament – is inspired by God: as the authority of our message and the ultimate guide for our personal and mutual maturity.


As commanded by Jesus, we practise immersion of those who have committed  their lives to His Lordship – to symbolise their identification with His death, burial and resurrection; and to fully participate in the ministry of the local and world-wide church.

Lord’s Supper

On the first Sunday of each month, our worship includes this simple celebration meal. It symbolises Jesus’ body and blood – freely given to secure our salvation – as we affirm our hope of being united with Him forever in the world to come; all who share this belief are welcome to celebrate with us.

The Human Condition

We recognise that humanity has no permanent hope without faith in God and accepting his offer of eternal salvation through His gift of life through Jesus Christ.

Where Did Baptists Come From?

Baptists emerged with the arrival of the printing press in the Fifteenth Century. As bibles became more available – and in other languages than Latin – they discovered a simple faith that relied more on biblical truth than on church traditions. Though for centuries, the church and state had been inextricably linked, Baptists saw the church as a voluntary organisation – separate from the state. As a result, they faced persecution as heretics from the church and as subversives by the state; but they were actually ahead of their time; for most nations today maintain support separation of church and state.